Class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::NullDBAdapter
In: lib/active_record/connection_adapters/nulldb_adapter.rb
Parent: ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter


Classes and Modules

Class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::NullDBAdapter::Checkpoint
Class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::NullDBAdapter::Statement


TableDefinition = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::TableDefinition

Public Class methods

A convenience method for integratinginto RSpec. See README for example of use.

Recognized options:

path to the schema file, relative to RAILS_ROOT

Public Instance methods

Inserts a checkpoint in the log. See also execution_log_since_checkpoint.

Retrieve table columns as defined by the schema

A log of every statement that has been "executed" by this connection adapter instance.

A log of every statement that has been "executed" since the last time checkpoint! was called, or since the connection was created.

Retrieve the table names defined by the schema

Protected Instance methods
